Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i can't believe they pay me for this

From my recent posts, my faithful readers may have gotten the impression that I am not satisfied with my job. On the contrary, despite the administrative problems and the periodic lack of air conditioning, electricity, and running water, I really do love it. I get to do things I enjoy for a living, which is pretty special. Here's what I'm doing today:

6:15 alarm goes off

6:30 get out of bed

6:31 coffee

6:32-8:19 What, exactly, do I do for almost two hours? I'm not sure, but this is the interval between pouring my coffee and leaving the apartment.

8:20 get on bike

8:21-8:29 dodge traffic, puddles, pedestrians, and dogs

8:30 arrive in office

8:30-9:00 warm up for my rehearsal; check over next week's teaching schedule

9:00-10:45 rehearsal (a trio I've put together for my recital next month)

10:45-11:00 blogging, of course (and from here on out, we're going into the future, baby!)

11:00-12:00 paperwork: the program for the recital, the handout for next week's studio class, some boring admin things

12:00-12:30 teach a lesson

12:30-1:00 lunch

1:00-2:00 another lesson

2:00-3:00 the weekly student recital--this week it's put on by the Thai traditional music department

3:00-4:00 another lesson

4:00-5:00 another lesson

5:00-6:00 another lesson

6:00-7:00 another lesson

7:01 change into my "outside shoes"

7:02 leave the office

7:03-7:10 dodge traffic, puddles, pedestrians, and dogs

7:11 ask Husband, "What should we do about supper?"

7:12 reply, "Yeah, I don't know either. But I sure am hungry."

7:13-8:00 somehow, we solve this thorny problem

8:00-10:30 another block of time in which I'm not really sure what it is I do

10:31 head hits the pillow

10:32 zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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