Monday, July 10, 2006

hey there little red riding hood

Another object knitted by me. I made this in excited anticipation of a trip we planned to take to...a place much colder than Bangkok. Now it looks like the trip is off, much to my dismay, but I've still got the hat.

It occurs to me that if anyone reading this blog doesn't already know me, they'd assume I'm a lot older than I am based on the songs I tend to reference.

Knitting details, for those who care:

  • Pattern is here (from knitty again).
Of course, I made some modifications, because who am I to follow a pattern?
  • Knitted with #8 needles (#9 is called for in the pattern) in a nameless red acrylic I found in Chinatown.
  • The cords are not knitted but braided. I didn't like the look of the 2 stitches in stockinette stitch, and I considered I-cord until I realized that would involve buying some (expensive, hard to find) dpns (I don't have any larger than #4), so I took the easy way out and threaded four long strands of yarn through the first row of knitting, then braided them together with the yarn tail (9 strands total in the braid on each side).
  • I added a garter stitch border.
  • I added one extra increase and four extra rows worked even; not sure if this makes it bigger than the pattern calls for, or just compensates for the smaller needles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you!!!
