Friday, July 14, 2006

because i need it for my photosynthesis

I have a package of mints in my purse. The other day I fished it out and ate a mint, and I noticed something on the front of the package that I hadn't seen before:

a little red circle, similar to the writing on the fronts of cereal boxes that says "Fortified with vitamins and iron!" or something. But this one, on my mints, said "With chlorophyll."



Husband and I were intrigued. We went to the internet (source of instant gratification and easy, nonrigorous research) and were soon rewarded with this information:

Chlorophyll is sold in liquid form in health food and alternative medicine stores. You take it by the spoonful. It's recommended as a treatment for halitosis (which I suppose explains its presence in the mints), constipation, fibromyalgia, and cancer (!).

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