Saturday, July 08, 2006

helloooo out there

I've been messing with my blogger profile a little bit. I like the search function. I can click on any of my interests and it will find for me the other bloggers who have listed the same interest. Lots of Tolkien fans on blogger; not too many clarinetists.

I was looking at first for parrot lovers--Husband is always up for a good parrot story, especially if it includes pictures, and I thought a good way to find parrot blogs for The Blogless Husband to read would be through my profile. Then I changed all of my "favorite books" entries to authors, as I'd seen other people do. I clicked on "Patrick O'Brian" (I've read SIXTEEN of the twenty books in his Aubrey/Maturin series, most of them twice. At what point should I enter a 12-step program?). How weird--the parrot lovers were overwhelmingly female, while the Patrick O'Brian readers were overwhelmingly male. What does this say about Husband and me? Probably nothing, but it's sort of funny and weird anyway.

Anyhoo, I'm always looking for interesting blogs to read, so I was hoping to find some interesting people who love parrots and/or Patrick O'Brian, but I was disappointed in my quest. Almost all of the matching profiles corresponded to blogs that either never got started, or petered out after a post or two. Phooey.

So, have I got too much time on my hands, or is this a worthwhile use of my Saturday morning? You be the judge.

1 comment:

Sharon L. Holland said...

Aha! You read my blog and I have two pet cockatiels, Elie and Pippin. I wish I could tell you funny stories about them, but they are rather neglected fixtures of our home since the kids were born. I will mull it over, and try to recall a good bird story.