Sunday, February 19, 2006

this is the life

Husband and I just got back from the movies. We saw Munich; neither of us was particularly impressed. Too much blood, not enough nuance. Last week we saw Syriana. Much better.

What made tonight's excursion memorable was that the regular theater's starting time was too late for us, so we went (drumroll, please) Gold Class.

In Thailand you have two options when buying a movie ticket: a regular theater, or (drumroll, please) Gold Class. Gold Class costs a bit more, but is still about the price of a matinee back in the United States. It's a regular-sized theater with about two dozen seats in it. Each seat is a gigantic plush La-Z-Boy type recliner with a pillow and blanket. Before going into the theater you can order drinks and snacks, which are brought to you by waitresses during the movie. Totally posh, totally self-indulgent and unnecessary, and really a lot of fun. The chairs are REALLY comfortable and the theater doesn't get noisy.

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