Monday, May 15, 2006

sigh of relief

The horrible, horrible heat seems to be over. During the past few days it has clouded up and stormed almost daily, and although once the storms are over the sun comes out and scorches us again, there is an appreciable difference between the temperatures now and the temperatures several weeks ago.

While Mom was here, it was really hot. You know how I know? Not because of the sweat that dripped from me at all hours. Not because of the heat waves that shimmered over the ground at all times. No, I know it was hot because my mother the sun-worshipper was heard to say that it was too hot for her. She actually looked at the sky and hoped for a cloud. During our trip to Phuket, she repeatedly sat in the shade. My mother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who are you and what have you done with my mother?