Saturday, May 06, 2006

confessions of a delinquent maikaojai

When I was visiting family in the U.S. last month, Aunt Who Bakes Cookies made a special batch of cookies shaped like musical notes. She entrusted these cookies to me and asked me to bring them back to Thailand and feed them to my students. I was then to report back to this blog with my students' impressions of American homemade cookies.

I stashed the cookies in the freezer until it was time to leave, then (predictably) forgot them there. Aunt Who Notices These Things promptly packed them up and shipped them to Mom, thinking she could bring them with her when she came to Thailand to visit.

Mom is here now, but the cookies are not. Apparently the post office didn't treat them with the gentleness that was their due, and they arrived at Mom's house in smithereens. She decided not to bring the smithereens halfway around the world, subjecting them to overhead compartments and airport jostling, and likely demolishing them further.

Thus, despite the quick thinking of Aunt Who Notices These Things, Aunt Who Bakes Cookies will never know what the average Thai university student thinks of her cookies.

I'm sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Aunt who notices these things" needs to look in her freezer more often than every 2 weeks. She may be able to convince the baking Aunt to make some more cookies. She promises to carry them with the utmost care in her carry-on baggage when travelling to Thailand in November.